WebTrax Studio is committed to bringing positive change to our communities and to our planet. We are generous with our support for social change and arts groups. We train young media workers who are eager to expand their portfolios by working on low-budget and pro-bono jobs.
That’s what you’ll find on our “About” page. Plain and simple.
What does this mean for you? And how does this make WebTrax the right choice to build your website, work with you on marketing or crafting your image?
The word “sustainability” is thrown around a lot, but it’s not just a buzzword or marketing gimmick. Sustainability, by definition, means being able to endure and thrive well into the future. We surely want it for the planet, our human and natural resources, but we also want it for your business.
We believe that sustainable, fair and just business practices aren’t just good public relations but a sound business strategy. By putting people and planet first, by applying a holistic outlook that gets the most out of every single resource, we are providing for our own future as well as yours. A philosophy that conserves, respects and gives back is a philosophy that makes a business smart, savvy and far-sighted.
Given the importance of a web presence and the increasing centrality of a strong website in today’s world, we are here to see that a real and substantive sustainability philosophy has a wider impact on business practices as a whole.
This approach also means that we look at all of the elements of your business as a totality, and how they interact. When you look at “the big picture,” you have the ability to see how your website impacts your marketing, how your marketing impacts your graphic and visual choices, how your “look” impacts your relationship with your community. And, it’s your community that ultimately sustains your business.
Our commitment to sustainable business practices also means that you are in control of how your website changes. Whenever possible, we try to empower our clients by teaching them the skills they need to update their website, add posts or change a picture. Fewer resources expended by you equals a more sustainable business and more money saved for you!
So, doesn’t Webtrax sound like the kind of company you want working with you?